Sunday, February 16, 2014

Be a Super Here-o

Who’s your favorite female super hero? I challenge you to think of more than two. If you’re a comic book nut you will probably drum up a longer list, but for the general population…is there someone other than Wonder Woman? Maybe Supergirl?
I don’t don a cape, and I’ve never worn a strapless body suit with an attached magic lasso. I’m no superhero. Those overwhelming mornings when I drive my daughter to chorus practice only to realize it’s been rescheduled? Or when I’m driving an hour to teach and realize my gas tank is scary low, and then the station credit card reader doesn’t work? Oh, and feeling guilty because I left a sick kid at home? Or when I look at the phonics workbook and wonder when I’ll finally work with my five year-old? Yes, some days I wish I had supernatural abilities to alleviate the stress of life’s daily maintenance to get everything done—and not even to accomplish the above and beyond stuff like building a raised garden bed or making a baby book for my two and a half year-old.
How can we women balance, well…everything…and remain poised and powerful?
Comic book writers, time to create new realistic characters:
·         Lightning Laundress: Puts away the folded laundry as soon as it’s done--so no one trips over the piles in the upstairs hallway
·         Chauffeuring She-Mom: Gets everyone to their correct activities-- on time, in clean uniforms, with washed (and not just rinsed) water bottles
·         Dinner Dash: Makes healthy and yummy meals that everyone eats (with minimal clean-up) every night
·         High Temp-tress: Melts all of this snow so the kids can play outside without getting frostbite or repeatedly coming inside for dry, warm mittens
·         Last Minute Lass: Zaps that forgotten item from the food store to the kitchen counter
·         Mother Time: Creates extra hours in the day to steal some alone minutes
·         Rubber Maid: Generates a deflector shield for negative comments and whining
A magic hammer, storm creation abilities, or electrical venom blasts will not help my posse of friends. But might this simple notion bring clarity and strength? In my class last week a female student discussed stress, and in one statement clarified the importance to focus. She said, “We only feel stress when we’re thinking about the past or the future--never the present.” That makes sense. Concentrate on the here.
For all of you fortysomething warriors: when you feel tested and overwhelmed, morph into your own Super Here-o. Instead of worrying about the future or being upset with the past, focus on the now. Only you, some less-than perfect human, (not some fictitious alter ego), can bring yourself peace, justice league-style.
As a side note: did anyone list She-Hulk as a known super hero? For a female super hero reference go to:


  1. You are a super creative writer and thinker.
    Your life is decorated with success stories which leap and bound above super moms, super friends, super sisters, super stars, super heroes and, my favorite, super nieces!
    Continue to write and to share your thoughts, challenges and findings. Your words will be read and applauded by many.
    Your central theme is that of love. The central theme of most superheroes is conquest.

  2. Thank you for your thoughtful post. I love connecting with people and hearing their interesting ideas. I appreciate your support.
