Monday, November 23, 2015

A Heartfelt Thank You--To My Children

Dear Kids,

For all of the “please” and “thank you”s I nudge you to say to others, this is a chance to thank YOU for all that you bring to my life. I have been a mother for eleven and a half years, which sounds insignificant based on how much I value being your parent and the amount of energy I throw into being a mom. Feels like I have been your mother for decades, that I have known your spirits for my entire life.

As this is our thankful holiday week I’d like to express my gratitude to you…for:

·         The amount of pride I feel. For every time you take a risk and put yourself out there, I’m proud of you for taking chances. For learning. For achieving. For being good friends. For being compassionate. For being respectful of your teachers, coaches, and friends’ parents. I love watching you grow up as I see a glimmer of the adults you’re going to be.

·         The joy you bring into this home. The other day my three boys ran around the house, dressed in sunglasses and hats, quietly laughing while spying on me doing housework. I loved watching you be kids and enjoy the morning together. Or seeing my daughter’s face light up as she wrapped her friend’s birthday present, animatedly talking about the gifts she chose and why. I love the energy you all bring into this world.

·         The patience I had to learn. Being a mother isn’t easy. The arguments, the tears, the frustration, the worrying, the constant needs…I feel pulled in many directions, and I have realized that stressing about every incident only makes me unsettled. To save my sanity I know the importance of taking a step back, taking deep breaths, and trying to keep perspective of the bigger picture.

·         The emotions that make me feel alive. For every cornerkick, time you step on a starting block, wind up on the pitching mound, toss a second serve…my stomach fills with butterflies because I know how much you are trying and want to succeed…and I know that you have to rely on yourself and your own grit. I want your confidence to blossom, that I surrogately carry your feelings, and I’m riding right alongside you. Those highs and lows energize life.

·         The opportunity to teach. I love quizzing you on “Name that artist” when the car radio plays, teaching you favorite recipes, and showing you my love for appreciating new places. To me, there is a comfort knowing that my passions can be shared with the people I love the most, another generation, and that I even hope that some of our common interests will be passed down long after I’m gone.

·         Being able to help. You all are distinct individuals, all coming into your own personalities, and I am lucky to help you determine what interests you. Like The Giving Tree I want to give you the support you need until I’m a little stump in some assisted living facility.

·         Unconditionally loving me. I’m fully aware I’m not perfect, that sometimes you get angry or disagree with me, but in my heart I know our connection is strong, no matter what.

You all make my soul soar. You are my blessings who I powerfully want to protect forever, you are my perspective compass, you are my truest loves.


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