Friday, March 15, 2019

How Do You Get That Bounce “Bawk”?

While I love the “spring forward” moment for many reasons—more daylight, the promise of warmer weather-- undoubtedly that one-hour difference causes disruption in our household. Even this morning I told my youngest that next week he’ll be back to his old sleep routine and not wake up so early, (and hopefully allow me to drink my coffee in quiet). He just needs to adjust, like we all do, with the seasons transitioning.

Yesterday at the hair salon I mindlessly flipped through Entertainment Weekly and was shocked to see seasoned Hollywood actors with their 1980/90s movie costars. Some look absolutely amazing as they’ve transitioned to middle age—they’re no spring chickens. Julia Roberts at 51? Stunning. Cameron Diaz at 46? Glowing. Dermot Mulroney? Dashingly handsome at 55.

Granted, I know these stars have their crews of personal trainers, makeup artists, chefs, and someone adjusting the light angles for flattering photographs, but still…

For those of us who are not spring chickens…how do we put ourselves in our best light? How do we adjust?

Charles Darwin came up with the idea of phototropism…that a growing shoot of grass always bends towards the light. With many plants in my house I always marvel at the phenomenon of watching them lean eagerly towards the window—and we humans are no different. We flourish with positive energy. Think about that teacher, coach, boss, or friend who believed in the best in you versus the one who cut you down or set limiting expectations.

Maybe that’s simply the secret…we just need to focus on where we feel our best, where we shine. Focus less on our weaknesses, stop obsessing about fixing people or things, and ignore people who exclude and make us feel bad. Instead think about not just highlighting our strengths, but how to spread that positivity in the community. Don’t get hung up or distracted by personal and life’s weaknesses. Or disappointments.

Along with the natural change of seasons I’m mentally set to lighten the load, take off my ever-present down parka, and lean my face towards the sun and hopefully feel a quicker pop to my step. If you have also felt that winter dullness, work on getting your bounce “bawk” and feel the powerful pull towards the light. Bask in the strengths that fortify you. Surround yourself with uplifting people, watch an old movie that brings warmth to your soul, download some upbeat tunes, or sit in a sunny window. Indeed, it is time to spring forward.

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